成立離岸公司 Starting a Offshore Company
查詢下列離岸公司註冊服務: BVI(British Virgin Islands) 公司,即英屬維爾京群島公司 開曼群島公司 薩摩亞公司 塞舌爾公司 安圭拉島公司 巴哈馬公司 百慕達公司 馬紹爾群島公司 毛里求斯公司 尼維斯島公司 制訂出一些特別寬鬆的政策來吸引世界各地的投資者前往該國或地區 成立離岸公司。此類離岸公司基本不徵收任何稅項,只徵收年度牌照費,並可在其他國家或地區上市,是大部分跨國企業進行公司架構安排及重組的首選。 由於香港稅務基建於「來源地域概念」,如利潤不是來源自香港,則不須徵收任何稅項。而每年所有於香港註冊之有限公司,均須向稅務局遞交公司之財務報表及報稅表,以供評稅之用。 相反,離岸公司的收入無需申報稅務,而且離岸公司的股權比例、股東資料及收益狀況會有相對高的保密性。因此離岸公司便於跨境投資、控股、上市等。 成立離岸公司之前,可先參加Mega Solutions的免費諮詢,為您業務的拓展提供專業意見。 Inquire about the following offshore company registration services: BVI (British Virgin Islands) company, the British Virgin Islands company Cayman Islands Company Samoa Company Seychelles Company Anguilla Company Bahamas Company Bermuda Company Marshall Islands Company Mauritius Company Nevis Island Company Formulate some particularly loose policies to attract investors from all over the world to set up offshore companies in the country or region. Such offshore companies basically do not levy any taxes, only charge annual license fees, and can be listed in other countries or regions. They are the first choice for most multinational companies for corporate structure arrangements and restructuring. Since Hong Kong's tax infrastructure is built on the "concept of geographical origin", if profits are not sourced from Hong Kong, no tax is required. Every year, all limited companies registered in Hong Kong must submit the company's financial statements and tax returns to the Inland Revenue Department for tax assessment purposes. On the contrary, the income of offshore companies does not need to declare tax, and the proportion of equity, shareholder information and income status of offshore companies will have relatively high confidentiality. Therefore, offshore companies are convenient for cross-border investment, holding, and listing. Before setting up an offshore company, you can participate in Mega Solutions' free consultation to provide professional advice for your business expansion.