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精明報稅 Taxation
15 分鐘15 分鐘電話會議 Conference Call
香港政府每個財政年度會因應配合政府政策推出財政預算案。因此,無論是公司還是個人,在填寫報稅表內容時要因應每年的稅務優惠政策而適當調整。我們的資深會計師團隊經驗豐富、緊貼社會脈搏,為您提供包括利得稅、物業稅、薪俸稅等稅務諮詢和專業意見,歡迎咨詢。 The Hong Kong government will launch a budget in accordance with government policies every fiscal year. Therefore, whether it is a company or an individual, when filling out the tax return, it should be adjusted appropriately in accordance with the annual tax incentives. Our experienced team of accountants is highly experienced and keeps abreast of the pulse of the society. We can provide you with tax consultation and professional advice.
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